Setup and production
Business Networks
Thanks to the infrastructure of ABP and GTT Communications, the user of artipa.EDI is able to communicate with any EDI partner on our planet. At the same time, they are creating a network of their EDI business partners.
Economical Solutions
For users of artipa.EDI and their partners we deliver quality solutions at reasonable prices. Before deploying the system with the user, we analyze its needs and always suggest variants. We always follow our recommendation.
Everything to measure
Variants always correspond to the functionality of artipa.EDI and ICT environment, which is located at the user. Individual variants can also be subject to functional specification, which is the so-called cookbook for the final deployment.
Services of EDI VAN operator

artipa.EDItransfer guarantees the transport of undistorted information to the addressee within XML and EDI systems, data backup and archiving, but can also act as an independent third party in potential disputes. Provides comprehensive electronic mail services for business partners in any location. Each partner registered in the system has its own mailbox on artipa.BusinessPortal. All operations of preparation and sending of physical shipments are performed in the artipa.EDItransfer service with a substantial contribution of artipa.BusinessPortal.

The EDI message is subject to translation. Typically from an inhouse information system format to an EDI message format.

Correctness check
The ABP system automatically checks the EDI message (conditions in the translation template) according to the specified conditions for the EDI format.

The EDI message is closed and inserted into the electronic sending envelope.

Address labels
Address labels for senders and recipients are automatically added.

Final dispatch
ABP sends the EDI message to the recipient via a given EDI channel and awaits acknowledgment of receipt of the EDI message by electronic delivery receipt.
EDI communication support
Artipa enables EDI communication with a wide range of global operators and offers a wide range of services.
Artipa.EDI solutions are based on Microsoft.NET and Linux platforms. In a redundant environment in the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark, we run several server platforms that form the control center of the entire system. All companies are evolving over time and their need for a more sophisticated hardware and software system increases as the requirements for EDI technology, transfers, etc. increase.
The range of products artipa.EDI reflects the needs at each stage of development the user and gives him the opportunity to take full advantage of new business opportunities, and also take advantage of the resulting advantages of EDI and the ability to communicate with larger trading partners. The offer artipa.EDI supports movement throughout the migration curve of the company and supports trade at all levels. With a wide range of solutions and consulting services, we deliver a complete EDI solution to meet current requirements and future goals.